*Audio edition*Well I have to say that this was more over the top than [b:A Matter of Time, Vol. 1|8578291|A Matter of Time, Vol. 1 (A Matter of Time, #1-2)|Mary Calmes|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1334772211s/8578291.jpg|14203921] . I listened to this story by the same narrator as the first and I still find him a bit odd/quirky but was used to it by now. Again I do think he does Jory and Sam's voices really well which is what counts since they're the MC's.
It's three years later and a series of events throws Sam and Jory back together. Further complicating their new relationship is a serial killer on the loose that personally affects Jory and those he loves. There are so many hijinks that this guy goes through - he's kidnapped, carjacked, and almost raped. He also gets beaten up a couple of times in between diffusing a hostage situation and being thrown in jail. Jory was unbelievably absurd and reckless in his single minded pursuit of the bad guy. But wait - remember he's superman. Indestructible, lucky beyond belief and still with that amazing power to make men and women (gay or straight) fall in love with him within 5 minutes. Well, actually - 2 minutes tops. . Regardless of the unbelievable twists and turns I still found this hilarious and most importantly, entertaining. It had some endearing, swoony, sexy moments especially with Sam which I quite enjoyed (Sam for sure remains in the top 5 in the category of the most alpha male ever).
What I also appreciate from Mary Calmes is that a lot of the story is just Sam and Jory navigating their relationship and their lives - something a reader doesn't often get in a romantic suspense because all the focus is usually on the mystery. If you haven't read the series I urge you to bite the bullet and go on this wild ride. Can't wait to see what the next installment brings!