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R *A Reader Obsessed*

Spring, Bax & Butterflies

Spring, Bax & Butterflies - Riina Y.T. American transplant Jacob arrives in Australia and it's a dream come true to play rugby at his high school in a country who loves the sport as much as he. Though they get off to a shaky start, Jacob and fellow teammate Baxter, eventually hit it off and become BFF's.

Here, you get to witness how their friendship grows and naturally evolves into something so much more, and it is touching and tender and hot. Of course there's some pointed angst in keeping their relationship a secret. Baxter has the potential to go pro and there's fear that being honest will ruin his chances. So yes, there's definitely roadblocks but they only served to strengthen and cement what was ultimately most important to them.

For me this was reminiscent of one of my favorite m/m stories [b:Superhero|18192707|Superhero|Eli Easton|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1373758003s/18192707.jpg|25598041]. And I liked it for that very reason. These characters' personalities were so endearing; there's not a bad bone or thought amongst them. If you want an honest, poignant, heartbreaking but ultimately redeeming love story then this is for you! Even better, it's free through M/M Romance Group's online series Love Landscapes!