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R *A Reader Obsessed*

February 2015
reviewed: Striking Sparks
Well damn…. that was quite eye opening!Um, this was basically PWP showcasing Crash's uncanny ability to read people. Unfortu...
Striking Sparks - Jordan Castillo Price
reviewed: Frankie & Al
Self proclaimed twink Frankie has sworn off relationships, believing being single and having fun is the best way to live. Tha...
Frankie & Al - Sue  Brown
reviewed: Secrets
Well the title of this story is definitely appropriate. Secrets abound in many forms this go around - suppressed memories, c...
Secrets - Jordan Castillo Price
finished reading:
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finished reading:
February 2015
reviewed: Run for the Roses
To recap, you have Val who is best friends with up-and-coming horse jockey, Janelle. She gets hurt after a scuffle with an ab...
Run for the Roses (Circles #1) - 2nd Edition - Elizabeth  Noble
finished reading:
February 2015
reviewed: Hiding in Plain Sight
2.5 StarsGawd this had so much potential. First you have Vladimir, a native Russian playing professional hockey in the U.S. w...
Hiding in Plain Sight - Cassandra Carr
finished reading:
February 2015
reviewed: Body and Soul
3.5 Stars This next chapter following lovable, slightly socially challenged Victor Bayne, sees him adjusting to his new work ...
Body and Soul  - Jordan Castillo Price
finished reading:
February 2015
reviewed: Criss Cross
3.5 StarsThe fun times continue for Victor Bayne, the psycop extraordinaire who can see dead people. This time around his abi...
Criss Cross - Jordan Castillo Price
finished reading:
February 2015
reviewed: Bite Marks and Bendy Straws
Ahh the evolution of what starts out as interest and turns into obsession. You really can't blame Derek. He never had a chan...
Bite Marks and Bendy Straws - DiscontentedWinter
finished reading:
January 2015
reviewed: Spring, Bax & Butterflies
American transplant Jacob arrives in Australia and it's a dream come true to play rugby at his high school in a country who l...
Spring, Bax & Butterflies - Riina Y.T.
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January 2015
reviewed: Whiskey and Wry
3.5 StarsThe second part of the the Sinners series did not disappoint. You have Damien who's desperately trying to piece toge...
Whiskey and Wry - Rhys Ford
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January 2015
reviewed: A Perfect Game
At first I wasn't so sure about this because I'm not big into bdsm especially if it's contemporary. However this was free so...
A Perfect Game - Reno MacLeod, Jaye Valentine
reviewed: Nothing Ventured
3.5 StarsAiden agrees to run a crazy, grueling obstacle course and his best friend's cousin is ready to whip him into shape. ...
Nothing Ventured - Jay Northcote
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finished reading:
January 2015
reviewed: See the Light
Wow. If you're ok with a lot of smex (and who isn't) then this is for you.You've got Jason, NHL pro, who runs across his new...
See the Light - Cassandra Carr
finished reading:
January 2015
reviewed: The Enlightenment of Daniel
I'll be the first to say that I typically avoid stories with cheating but my OCD of reading a series in order and my like of ...
The Enlightenment of Daniel - Eli Easton
finished reading:
January 2015
reviewed: City Mouse
This sequel did not disappoint and we dive right in where Country Mouse ended. The question is can these two complete opposi...
City Mouse - Amy Lane, Aleksandr Voinov
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